Sunday, April 8, 2012


As I've mentioned before on here, I occasionally stream videogames over at, a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Seriously, if you go there, the most common thing you'll see is a bunch of jerks insulting each other nonstop.

Anyway, recently one user on the site got annoyed in an exhausted state and decided to flip out a bit, culminating in an angry email being sent to the owner of the site. Another user took a horrible screenshot of the email with his cell phone, and a series of reaction images followed.

In the end, this is what happened:

Hit the jump if you want to see all the pictures and know who and what is going on.

It started with 'Wiff''s horrible cameraphone screenshot.
Which 'Blackwatch' had to make his disapproval known for.
'TeddyRoosevelt' (me, obviously) then had to add a reaction of "Really? We're taking pictures of pictures now?"
'Nobody in particular' then added his two cents in his usual way. Things were now out of control.
'Ulcer' copied the drawing as best he could.
'Chilean Retrogamer', one of our resident Youtube celebrities, got in on the action looking as cool as he could.
New streamer 'darkredflame' continued the sunglasses/point at the screen trend Chilean started.
'CANADA', who also did the voiceover reading of the email for the video, appeared on camera for the first time without his usual luchadore mask.
It seems the only sunglasses 'Smew64' could get were broken.
'Stewthegreat' just looked sad at the entire situation.
'FFFFFF' has a crappy camera and ended up taking a picture flipped on the horizontal. Also he's bald.
Art student 'SHind' went a little, uh, overboard with the art supplies.
'Lobsta' seemed shocked at everything, but it could just be his eyebrows.
'Blank' then tried to feed some macaroni and cheese, a deep games staple food, to 'lobsta.'
'Dman99', the owner of came in to show off his massive wealth. I mean the milk, of course.
'Naff' then went a little homicidal. Finally able to take out her rage on everyone.
At first 'Harmonica' kind of missed the point: "What, we aren't supposed to take pictures of ourselves in front of people being tortured?"
But then he brought his cigar and Leno-chin into the game: "Oh, we're supposed to take a picture of ourselves in front of people we WANT to torture, got it."
'Fiers' makes a lovely horse, but made his picture too late to fit in the big picture.
He was beaten to the punch by this collage.
Which 'mouse' used to show off her cat. Or maybe she is a cat.
'Dragonninja' also refused to show his face, preferring to let action figures do the talking.
'Wiff' then showed his face, happy that his terrible, terrible screenshot at the beginning caused all this.
'Blackwatch' again had to show his disapproval at 'Wiff'.
And finally, 'Feg', the man who wrote the angry email to begin with, calmed down and got in on the joke. Or shot himself. Whichever.
Yes, we're all idiots.
This all had to be compiled somewhere, though.

Thanks to all the idiots at for giving me something absurd to do.


  1. user "Blank" is totally serving streamer "Lobsta" some fried rice that he had lovingly prepared himself
    this blog is horridly inaccurate and bad
    I demand to speak with the owner of this foolish web site and possibly shut it down

    1. Aw man, that's fried rice?
      Should've been Kraft dinner.
